This is THE party place in the Brookfield and Milwaukee areas. Equipment is in good order, the staff friendly, knowledgeable and competent. Pricing is very reasonable and affordable...
Century - Tension Style - All White
Century Tension Style Pole Tents: A Wedding Reception Classic
Distinguished by their graceful, sweeping peaks, the Century tension/pole tent is commonly known in the business as a “high peak” pole tent. It’s an elegant look, both from the outside and from the perspective of anyone sitting in the tent. Although favored for wedding receptions, this tent style can be used for virtually any gathering.
You can book a party package starting with a Century tent and adding extra tables, chairs, lights and other party supplies during checkout.
Not sure where to start? We're here to help! Contact Brookfield or Madison Party Rental for a quote or more information.
Century Tents are a Versatile & Beautiful Option
One of the great features of these tents is the soaring 30-foot center-pole height. This creates a spacious feeling interior which can be dramatically lit for evening events. These tents also offer the option of sidewalls—either solid or with clear windows. Besides keeping out the chill of cold weather during intemperate months, sidewalls also help keep oglers and party crashers away.
If you are planning an event for summer, be aware that sidewalls with windows can raise the temperature inside your tent by 10-degrees or more. We rent pedestal fans for just such occasions.
As with all tension style tents, staking is required. This usually necessitates a level grass field for setup, although we have ingenious ways of securing the tents on asphalt surfaces, should the need arise.