This is THE party place in the Brookfield and Milwaukee areas. Equipment is in good order, the staff friendly, knowledgeable and competent. Pricing is very reasonable and affordable...
Deluxe Floor Podium w/ Microphone

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Deluxe Floor Podium with Microphone
Have you ever stood in front of a group of people and delivered a speech or presentation? If you have, you know public speaking is not for the faint of heart. Without a podium to buffer a speaker from the critical eyes of the audience, there’s a tendency to freeze up like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car.
A podium affords the speaker a place to put notes, as well as providing something to rest hands and elbows on. Just as importantly, a speaker standing behind a podium commands respect. Without one, your speaker is just someone standing there holding a microphone in one hand with the other hand stuck in a pocket, nervously fidgeting with car keys.
This particular podium comes with a microphone and a built-in speaker, so even the back row sitters will be able to hear every word.