This is THE party place in the Brookfield and Milwaukee areas. Equipment is in good order, the staff friendly, knowledgeable and competent. Pricing is very reasonable and affordable...
Convention Stage Rental Milwaukee
Convention Stage Rental
If you’re planning a large event that involves an audience watching a performance or a ceremony, you absolutely have to rent a stage. Without one, nobody past the 5th row is able to see anything going on and your audience will inevitably tire of looking at the back of the head of the person in front of them and wander off to the bar or the lobby.
The large stage you see here is a perfect example of our capabilities. This is a particularly large stage built from 4’ x 4’ sections on top of risers. Steps with a handrail made it easy to get on and off this stage, and black skirting around the base gave it a finished look.
NOTE: While a stage of this type and size is more than capable of supporting 30, 40, or even more people, we do not recommend holding a clogging competition on it.