This is THE party place in the Brookfield and Milwaukee areas. Equipment is in good order, the staff friendly, knowledgeable and competent. Pricing is very reasonable and affordable...
Pole Tent Rental Fitchburg

Pole Tent Rental in Fitchburg
This pole tent was set up for a large wedding reception in Fitchburg. If you're thinking the tables look a bit spartan, we'd have to agree. But this photo was taken before they were covered in table linens. Once covered in linen, with the plates, glasses and silverware in place, they were properly dressed for a wedding.
Although we usually set up pole tents on grass, the location here was a large parking lot. The asphalt inside the tent was covered with a heavy-duty carpet, and the tent was anchored in the grass to one side of the tent and asphalt to the other. The big bad wolf could huff and puff and still wouldn't blow this setup down.
For this setup, the couple ordered a side curtain for the left side of the tent. These panels are great if you want a little extra privacy or shelter from a wind, although you wouldn’t want to fully enclose a tent with them during the warm weather months.
Planning a reception or other event in the Madison area? Plan on getting in touch with our Madison Party Rental location. Jot this number down in your planner: (608) 221-3866, or click the link below to request more information.